Postcode YO31 1BJ (York)

Map showing YO31 1BJ and nearby postcodes

The postcode YO31 1BJ is located in York It was introduced in June 1998 and is an active postcode. YO31 1BJ is a small user postcode that may contain upto 100 addresses (but 15 is more typical).

YO31 1BJ is one of the least deprived areas in the country. It rates as a 8.4 on the scale of the index of deprivation (where 10 are the least deprived and 0 are the most deprived areas). The 2011 UK census classified the residents of YO31 1BJ as Urbanites > Urban professionals and families > Multi-ethnic professionals with families.

The closest road name to YO31 1BJ is Forest Way which is centered 20 m away.

The nearest bus stop is Seymour Grove and is 201 m away. The closest railway station is Main Entrance, 2.44 km away.

The closest primary school to YO31 1BJ (for ages 11 and under) is Heworth Church of England Primary Academy. It achieved an OFSTED rating of Good on April 30, 2019. The closest secondary school (for ages 11-18) is Archbishop Holgate's School, A Church of England Academy. The last OFSTED inspection on October 13, 2021 rated this school as Outstanding

The local pub for residents of YO31 1BJ is The Nags Head and is 199 m away. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) rated it as Very Good on September 8, 2020. The nearest takeaway food is available from Heworth Plaice and is 169 m distant. The FSA rated this establishment as Very Good on January 18, 2019.

Residents reported an average download speed of 445.5 Mbps and an average upload speed of 368 Mbps in a 2017 OFCOM broadband survey. 100% of residents have broadband access of ultrafast 300+ Mbps. 100% of residents have broadband access of superfast 30-300 Mbps.

Gas consumption for the area is rated at 2.8 out of 10. Where 0 are the lowest and 10 are the highest consuming areas in the country respectively.

Policing for YO31 1BJ is covered by the North Yorkshire police force association and North Yorkshire and York is the NHS Primary Care Trust (PCT) or Care Trust Plus (CT).


Nearby Postcodes

A list of Postcodes adjacent to YO31 1BJ and their respective distances.

Nearby Roads

A list of road names near to YO31 1BJ, and the approximate distance away.

Forest Way 20 m
Forest Grove 90 m
Chestnut Avenue 119 m
Seymour Grove 152 m
Lime Avenue 157 m
Dale's Lane 165 m
Charles Moor 184 m
Heworth Road 191 m
Harrison Street 206 m
Hempland Avenue 213 m
Heworth Place 229 m
Herberts Way 244 m
Monk Avenue 251 m
Limes Court 254 m
Heworth Village 266 m


Information about the postcode YO31 1BJ

Introduction June 1998
Termination n/a - Active Postcode
User Type Small User - may contain upto 100 addresses but 15 is more typical

Local Schools

School OFSTED ratings, last inspection dates, student age ranges and approximate distance from YO31 1BJ - Data from 2020-2021

School Ofsted Rating
(Last Inspection)
Heworth Church of England Primary Academy Good
(April 30, 2019)
169 m
Hempland Primary School Good
(October 20, 2021)
652 m
Tang Hall Primary Academy Good
(February 26, 2020)
681 m
Applefields School Good
(March 26, 2019)
887 m
Park Grove Primary Academy Good
(October 1, 2021)
963 m
St Aelred's Catholic Primary School - a Catholic Voluntary Academy 1.1 km
St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School - a Catholic Voluntary Academy 1.2 km
Haxby Road Primary Academy Good
(December 7, 2016)
1.24 km
Yearsley Grove Primary School Good
(October 5, 2017)
1.47 km
Osbaldwick Primary Academy 1.6 km
St Lawrence's Church of England Primary Academy Requires improvement
(January 8, 2020)
1.81 km
Bootham School 1.87 km
Burton Green Primary School Good
(April 10, 2019)
2.14 km
Fishergate Primary School Good
(November 9, 2017)
2.14 km
Archbishop Holgate's School, A Church of England Academy Outstanding
(October 13, 2021)
2.16 km
St Peter's School 2-18 2.17 km
St George's Catholic Primary School - a Catholic Voluntary Academy 2.18 km
Clifton Green Primary School Requires improvement
(September 13, 2018)
2.27 km
Badger Hill Primary Academy Good
(July 2, 2019)
2.38 km
Huntington School Outstanding
(October 12, 2017)
2.46 km

Nearby Food

Food establishments with their establishment type, FSA rating score, date of last inspection and approximate distance from YO31 1BJ - Data from Apr 2022

Name Type Rating
(Last Inspection)
Dough Disciples Mobile caterer 4
March 26, 2021
156 m
Costcutter Retailers - other 5
Very Good
March 5, 2021
169 m
Heworth Plaice Takeaway/sandwich shop 5
Very Good
January 18, 2019
169 m
ISS at Heworth Primary School School/college/university 5
Very Good
April 18, 2018
169 m
The Nags Head Pub/bar/nightclub 5
Very Good
September 8, 2020
199 m
No 3 Heworth Retailers - other 5
Very Good
July 2, 2019
234 m
Nicolas Renshaw Other catering premises 5
Very Good
October 14, 2019
297 m
The Walnut Tree Pub/bar/nightclub 5
Very Good
January 30, 2020
358 m
Ascot House Guest House Hotel/bed & breakfast/guest house 5
Very Good
July 23, 2019
377 m
Meals 2 U - The Heworth Inn Pub/bar/nightclub 5
Very Good
March 31, 2022
416 m
One Six One Catering Other catering premises 5
Very Good
March 6, 2020
425 m
Daisy Chain Day Nursery Hospitals/Childcare/Caring Premises 5
Very Good
September 15, 2020
480 m
Bean on the Green Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
November 8, 2019
492 m
Co-op Late Shop Retailers - supermarkets/hypermarkets 5
Very Good
September 10, 2018
492 m
Loves Greengrocers Retailers - other 5
Very Good
February 17, 2021
492 m
Boots UK Ltd Retailers - other Exempt
September 17, 2010
587 m
Heworth and Bootham Conservative Club Pub/bar/nightclub 5
Very Good
March 26, 2018
587 m
Heworth Chinese Takeaway Takeaway/sandwich shop 4
July 7, 2021
587 m
Kiosk in The Park Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
May 15, 2018
587 m
Butchers Block Retailers - other 5
Very Good
November 21, 2020
608 m

Nearby Travel Links

Bus stops, train stations, taxi ranks and airports near to YO31 1BJ - Data from Apr 2022

Seymour Grove Bus Stop/Station 201 m
Lime Avenue Bus Stop/Station 212 m
Heworth Road Bus Stop/Station 215 m
Heworth Golf Course Bus Stop/Station 243 m
Heworth Golf Course Bus Stop/Station 250 m
St. Saviourgate Taxi Rank Taxi Rank 1.63 km
Duncombe Place Taxi Rank Taxi Rank 1.77 km
Exhibition Square Taxi Rank Taxi Rank 1.83 km
Main Entrance Rail 2.44 km
Rear Entrance Rail 2.53 km
Humberside Airport Air 63.49 km

Nearby Nature

Woodland, hills, greenspaces, water and other natural features near to YO31 1BJ - Data from Dec 2021

Low Plantation Woodland Or Forest 516 m
Wormald's Cut Inland Water 1.56 km
Mill Plantation Woodland Or Forest 1.86 km
Heslington Hill Hill Or Mountain 2.02 km
Brownie Dyke Inland Water 2.16 km
Spring Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.45 km
Clifton Long Reach Inland Water 2.62 km
Hoggard Hill Hill Or Mountain 2.66 km
Kimberlow Hill Hill Or Mountain 3 km
Clifton Short Reach Inland Water 3.2 km
Fulford Reach Inland Water 3.84 km
The Belt Woodland Or Forest 3.87 km
Waite's Plantation Woodland Or Forest 3.97 km
Turkers Wood Woodland Or Forest 4.09 km
Clifton Ings Reach Inland Water 4.09 km


Broadband availability and performance statistics for YO31 1BJ - Data from Ofcom 2017

All Speeds Median Avg Max
Download 268 Mbps 445.5 Mbps 900 Mbps
Upload 28.5 Mbps 368 Mbps 900 Mbps
Speed Band
Users Download
Avg Mbps
Avg Mbps
0-2 Mbps 0% 7.8 1
2-5 Mbps 0% - -
5-10 Mbps 0% - -
10-30 Mbps 0% 11.5 1
30-300 Mbps 0% 139.7 13.7
300+ Mbps 100% 803.7 727.4

Gas Consumption

37 meters consuming 666,354 kWh - mean 18,010 kWh : median 17,272 kWh

Energy usage data for YO31 1BJ - Data from 2020


Country England
Latitude 53.96837500
Longitude -1.05960200
OS Easting 461788
OS Northing 0452887
OS Positional Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

Index of Deprivation

Most Deprived
Least Deprived

Police Force Association

North Yorkshire


Westminster Parliamentary
York Central
Electoral Ward Heworth
Local Authority District York
Region / Government Office Region Yorkshire and The Humber
European Electoral Region Yorkshire and The Humber
Local Enterprise Partnership Primary: York and North Yorkshire
Local Learning and Skills Council North Yorkshire

ONS Statistical Regions

International Territorial Level Code E06000014
Travel To Work Area York


NHS England Region North East and Yorkshire
Primary Care Trust
North Yorkshire and York
Cancer Alliance Humber, Coast and Vale
Strategic Health Authority
Yorkshire and the Humber
Sustainability and Transformation
Humber, Coast and Vale
Clinical Comissioning Group
NHS Vale of York CCG

2011 Census

Output Area Classification Supergroup: Urbanites
Group: Urban professionals and families
Subgroup: Multi-ethnic professionals with families
Rural-Urban Classification (England/Wales) Urban city and town
Built-Up Area York BUA
Built-Up Area Sub-Division York BUASD
Workplace Zone E33013286
Middle Layer Super Output Area
Intermediate Zone
York 008
Lower Layer Super Output Area
Data Zone
York 008A
Output Area / Small Area 5A2