Postcode SW1Y 4HT (Westminster)

Map showing SW1Y 4HT and nearby postcodes

The postcode SW1Y 4HT is located in Westminster, in the county of Inner London. It was introduced in January 1980 and is an active postcode. SW1Y 4HT is a large user postcode, usually allocated to a single address receiving at least 500 mail items per day.

SW1Y 4HT is one of the less deprived areas in the country. It rates as a 6.5 on the scale of the index of deprivation (where 10 are the least deprived and 0 are the most deprived areas). The 2011 UK census classified the residents of SW1Y 4HT as Cosmopolitans > Aspiring and affluent > EU white-collar workers.

The closest road name to SW1Y 4HT is B327 which is centered 52 m away.

The nearest bus stop is Haymarket Charles II Street and is 60 m away. Access to the Metro/Tram is 222 m away at Piccadilly Circus Underground Station The closest railway station is London Charing Cross Rail Station, 444 m away.

The closest primary school to SW1Y 4HT (for ages 11 and under) is Soho Parish CofE Primary School. It achieved an OFSTED rating of Good on March 20, 2019. The closest secondary school (for ages 11-18) is Eaton Square Senior School, Mayfair.

The local pub for residents of SW1Y 4HT is Theatre Royal and is 0 m away. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) rated it as Good on July 21, 2010.

Policing for SW1Y 4HT is covered by the Metropolitan Police police force association and Westminster is the NHS Primary Care Trust (PCT) or Care Trust Plus (CT).


Nearby Postcodes

A list of Postcodes adjacent to SW1Y 4HT and their respective distances.

Nearby Roads

A list of road names near to SW1Y 4HT, and the approximate distance away.

B327 52 m
Haymarket 57 m
Suffolk Street 70 m
Orange Street 77 m
Suffolk Place 82 m
Panton Street 86 m
Oxendon Street 105 m
Whitcomb Street 110 m
Pall Mall East 115 m
St Martin's Street 116 m
St Alban's Street 155 m
St James's Market 155 m
Cockspur Street 160 m
Charles Ii Street 163 m
Warwick House Street 171 m


Information about the postcode SW1Y 4HT

Introduction January 1980
Termination n/a - Active Postcode
User Type Large User - allocated to single addresses receiving at least 500 mail items per day

Local Schools

School OFSTED ratings, last inspection dates, student age ranges and approximate distance from SW1Y 4HT - Data from 2020-2021

School Ofsted Rating
(Last Inspection)
Soho Parish CofE Primary School Good
(March 20, 2019)
390 m
The Royal Ballet School 742 m
St Clement Danes CofE Primary School Outstanding
(November 5, 2014)
963 m
City Lit Good
(December 9, 2016)
1.03 km
Harris Westminster Sixth Form Outstanding
(October 6, 2016)
1.03 km
St Josephs Catholic Primary School Good
(October 11, 2018)
1.05 km
Ecole Jeannine Manuel 1.06 km
Westminster Abbey Choir School 1.14 km
Eaton Square Senior School, Mayfair 1.15 km
Westminster School 1.15 km
CATS College London 1.22 km
St Matthew's School, Westminster Good
(February 6, 2018)
1.27 km
St George's Hanover Square CofE Primary School Requires improvement
(October 20, 2021)
1.31 km
Westminster City School Good
(January 10, 2017)
1.33 km
All Souls CofE Primary School Good
(October 3, 2019)
1.33 km
DLD College 1.42 km
The Grey Coat Hospital 1.44 km
The Mary Ward Centre (AE Centre) Good
(June 28, 2018)
1.49 km
Queen's College, London 1.53 km
Eifa International School Good
(May 3, 2018)
1.55 km

Nearby Food

Food establishments with their establishment type, FSA rating score, date of last inspection and approximate distance from SW1Y 4HT - Data from Apr 2022

Name Type Rating
(Last Inspection)
Theatre Royal Pub/bar/nightclub 4
July 21, 2010
0 m
Z Hotels Piccadilly Hotel/bed & breakfast/guest house 5
Very Good
September 29, 2014
20 m
Empire Cinermas London Haymarket Retailers - other 4
July 4, 2016
22 m
Farzi Cafe Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 2
Needs Improvement
October 21, 2021
22 m
Sandwich Express Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
June 15, 2016
57 m
Bardo St James's Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
March 21, 2022
60 m
Haymarket Hotel Hotel/bed & breakfast/guest house 5
Very Good
December 16, 2021
60 m
Yori Piccadilly Circus Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 4
March 4, 2021
62 m
O'Be Joyful Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
September 18, 2020
63 m
Andalucia Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 2
Needs Improvement
June 27, 2018
68 m
Kanada-Ya Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 4
February 20, 2020
68 m
Machi Ya Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
November 12, 2021
68 m
RISE Japanese Bakery & Bar Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
November 12, 2021
68 m
Steak & Co Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
December 11, 2017
69 m
Viet Cafe Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 4
January 28, 2022
69 m
Odeon Cinema Retailers - other 4
February 26, 2013
76 m
Spaghetti House Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
July 10, 2018
76 m
Planet Hollywood Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
December 12, 2019
88 m
Thistle Hotel Trafalgar Square Hotel/bed & breakfast/guest house 5
Very Good
April 22, 2010
88 m
Salt N Pepper Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 4
December 1, 2017
88 m

Nearby Travel Links

Bus stops, train stations, taxi ranks and airports near to SW1Y 4HT - Data from Apr 2022

Haymarket Charles II Street Bus Stop/Station 60 m
Charles II Street Bus Stop/Station 103 m
Trafalgar Square Bus Stop/Station 115 m
Haymarket Jermyn Street Bus Stop/Station 139 m
Charles II Street Bus Stop/Station 160 m
Piccadilly Circus Underground Station Metro/Tram 222 m
Piccadilly Circus Underground Station Metro/Tram 238 m
Piccadilly Circus Underground Station Metro/Tram 242 m
London Charing Cross Rail Station Rail 444 m
London Charing Cross Rail Station Rail 496 m
Tottenham Court Road Station Rail 806 m
Embankment Pier Ferry 680 m
Embankment Pier Ferry 702 m
Embankment Pier Ferry 715 m
London Gatwick Airport North Terminal Air 38.73 km
London Gatwick Airport North Terminal Air 38.89 km
London Gatwick Airport South Terminal Air 39.18 km

Nearby Nature

Woodland, hills, greenspaces, water and other natural features near to SW1Y 4HT - Data from Dec 2021

Pelican Pool Inland Water 615 m
Duck Island Island 632 m
St James's Park Lake Inland Water 734 m
The Serpentine Inland Water 2.58 km
The Long Water Inland Water 2.99 km
The Fountains Inland Water 3.08 km
Paddington Green Woodland Or Forest 3.25 km
Three Island Pond Inland Water 3.25 km
Duck Pond Inland Water 3.59 km
Round Pond Inland Water 3.63 km
Ladies Pond Inland Water 3.75 km
Fountain Lake Inland Water 3.79 km
Barrow Hill Hill Or Mountain 3.87 km
Primrose Hill Hill Or Mountain 4 km
Ransome's Dock Inland Water 4.08 km


Country England
County Inner London
Latitude 51.50883000
Longitude -0.13126800
OS Easting 529784
OS Northing 0180533
OS Positional Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

Index of Deprivation

Most Deprived
Least Deprived

Police Force Association

Metropolitan Police


Westminster Parliamentary
Cities of London and Westminster
Electoral Ward St James's
Local Authority District Westminster
Region / Government Office Region London
European Electoral Region London
Local Enterprise Partnership Primary: London
Local Learning and Skills Council London Central

ONS Statistical Regions

International Territorial Level Code E09000033
Travel To Work Area London


NHS England Region London
Primary Care Trust
Cancer Alliance North West and South West London
Strategic Health Authority
Sustainability and Transformation
North West London Health and Care Partnership
Clinical Comissioning Group
NHS North West London CCG

2011 Census

Output Area Classification Supergroup: Cosmopolitans
Group: Aspiring and affluent
Subgroup: EU white-collar workers
Rural-Urban Classification (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation
Built-Up Area Greater London BUA
Built-Up Area Sub-Division City of Westminster BUASD
Workplace Zone E33031067
Middle Layer Super Output Area
Intermediate Zone
Westminster 018
Lower Layer Super Output Area
Data Zone
Westminster 018C
Output Area / Small Area 2D3