Postcode S71 3RJ (Barnsley)

Map showing S71 3RJ and nearby postcodes

The postcode S71 3RJ is located in Barnsley, in the county of South Yorkshire. It was introduced in January 1980 and is an active postcode. S71 3RJ is a small user postcode that may contain upto 100 addresses (but 15 is more typical).

S71 3RJ is one of the most deprived areas in the country. It rates as a 0.6 on the scale of the index of deprivation (where 10 are the least deprived and 0 are the most deprived areas). The 2011 UK census classified the residents of S71 3RJ as Hard-pressed living > Industrious communities > Industrious hardship.

The closest road name to S71 3RJ is Blackheath Close which is centered 15 m away.

The nearest bus stop is Laithes Lane/Blackheath Road and is 82 m away. The closest railway station is Barnsley Rail Station, 3.02 km away.

The closest primary school to S71 3RJ (for ages 11 and under) is Carlton Primary Academy. It achieved an OFSTED rating of Requires improvement on June 13, 2019.

Residents reported an average download speed of 104.5 Mbps and an average upload speed of 11.8 Mbps in a 2017 OFCOM broadband survey. 100% of residents have broadband access of ultrafast 300+ Mbps. 100% of residents have broadband access of superfast 30-300 Mbps.

Gas consumption for the area is rated at 1.8 out of 10. Electricity consumption for the area is rated at 0.2 out of 10. Where 0 are the lowest and 10 are the highest consuming areas in the country respectively.

Policing for S71 3RJ is covered by the South Yorkshire police force association and Barnsley is the NHS Primary Care Trust (PCT) or Care Trust Plus (CT).


Nearby Postcodes

A list of Postcodes adjacent to S71 3RJ and their respective distances.

Nearby Roads

A list of road names near to S71 3RJ, and the approximate distance away.

Blackheath Close 15 m
Blackheath Walk 15 m
Baslow Road 107 m
Totley Close 119 m
Blakeley Close 149 m
Carlton Road 160 m
Blackheath Road 162 m
Derwent Close 198 m
Middlewoods Way 207 m
Laithes Close 238 m
Longfields Road 238 m
Derwent Crescent 243 m
Derwent Road 280 m
Hardwick Crescent 375 m
Laithes Lane 582 m


Information about the postcode S71 3RJ

Introduction January 1980
Termination n/a - Active Postcode
User Type Small User - may contain upto 100 addresses but 15 is more typical

Local Schools

School OFSTED ratings, last inspection dates, student age ranges and approximate distance from S71 3RJ - Data from 2020-2021

School Ofsted Rating
(Last Inspection)
Holy Trinity Catholic and Church of England School 190 m
Springwell Special Academy Outstanding
(January 16, 2018)
741 m
Carlton Primary Academy Requires improvement
(June 13, 2019)
1.02 km
Laithes Primary School Requires improvement
(May 3, 2018)
1.04 km
Athersley South Primary School 1.11 km
Outwood Academy Carlton Good
(January 17, 2019)
1.19 km
St Helen's Primary Academy Requires improvement
(January 15, 2020)
1.32 km
Athersley North Primary School Requires improvement
(October 17, 2018)
1.57 km
Meadstead Primary Academy Requires improvement
(January 23, 2019)
2.04 km
Burton Road Primary School Good
(April 25, 2018)
2.04 km
Royston St John Baptist CE Primary Requires improvement
(January 16, 2019)
2.07 km
Parkside Primary Academy Good
(October 24, 2018)
2.17 km
Summerfields Primary Academy Requires improvement
(January 30, 2020)
2.48 km
Wilthorpe Primary School Requires improvement
(September 30, 2021)
2.66 km
Mapplewell Primary School 2.78 km
Outwood Primary Academy Littleworth Grange Good
(December 7, 2018)
2.79 km
Queens Road Academy Good
(May 10, 2017)
3.01 km
Churchfield Primary School 3.05 km
Trinity Academy St. Edwards 3.06 km
Dove School Good
(November 28, 2019)
3.08 km

Nearby Travel Links

Bus stops, train stations, taxi ranks and airports near to S71 3RJ - Data from Apr 2022

Laithes Lane/Blackheath Road Bus Stop/Station 82 m
Carlton Road/Baslow Road Bus Stop/Station 89 m
Laithes Lane/Carlton Road Bus Stop/Station 99 m
Carlton Road/Derwent Road Bus Stop/Station 172 m
Holy Trinity Bus Park/Carlton Road Bus Stop/Station 180 m
Barnsley Rail Station Rail 3.02 km
Barnsley Rail Station Rail 3.03 km
Darton Rail Station Rail 4.71 km

Nearby Nature

Woodland, hills, greenspaces, water and other natural features near to S71 3RJ - Data from Dec 2021

Spring Wood Woodland Or Forest 630 m
Cronk Hill Hill Or Mountain 1.71 km
Standhill Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.92 km
The Fleets Inland Water 2 km
Stand Hill Hill Or Mountain 2.07 km
Muscle Hill Hill Or Mountain 2.15 km
Chapel Hill Hill Or Mountain 2.2 km
Blacker Hill Hill Or Mountain 2.24 km
Cliffe Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.36 km
Windmill Hill Hill Or Mountain 2.95 km
Lund Hill Hill Or Mountain 3.05 km
Applehaigh Clough Valley 3.2 km
Gander Hill Hill Or Mountain 3.26 km
Applehaigh Wood Woodland Or Forest 3.31 km
Swallow Hill Hill Or Mountain 3.44 km


Broadband availability and performance statistics for S71 3RJ - Data from Ofcom 2017

All Speeds Median Avg Max
Download 107 Mbps 104.5 Mbps 331 Mbps
Upload 10 Mbps 11.8 Mbps 36 Mbps
Speed Band
Users Download
Avg Mbps
Avg Mbps
0-2 Mbps 0% 9 3
2-5 Mbps 0% - -
5-10 Mbps 0% - -
10-30 Mbps 0% 28.8 6
30-300 Mbps 0% 123.7 12.8
300+ Mbps 100% 331 36

Gas Consumption

23 meters consuming 274,599 kWh - mean 11,939 kWh : median 11,745 kWh

Electricity Consumption

23 meters consuming 48,863 kWh - mean 2,124 kWh : median 1,858 kWh

Energy usage data for S71 3RJ - Data from 2020


Country England
County South Yorkshire
Latitude 53.57956300
Longitude -1.46026900
OS Easting 435833
OS Northing 0409354
OS Positional Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

Index of Deprivation

Most Deprived
Least Deprived

Police Force Association

South Yorkshire


Westminster Parliamentary
Barnsley Central
Electoral Ward St Helens
Local Authority District Barnsley
Region / Government Office Region Yorkshire and The Humber
European Electoral Region Yorkshire and The Humber
Local Enterprise Partnership Primary: Sheffield City Region
Local Learning and Skills Council South Yorkshire

ONS Statistical Regions

International Territorial Level Code E08000016
Travel To Work Area Barnsley


NHS England Region North East and Yorkshire
Primary Care Trust
Cancer Alliance South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw
Strategic Health Authority
Yorkshire and the Humber
Sustainability and Transformation
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw
Clinical Comissioning Group
NHS Barnsley CCG

2011 Census

Output Area Classification Supergroup: Hard-pressed living
Group: Industrious communities
Subgroup: Industrious hardship
Rural-Urban Classification (England/Wales) Urban minor conurbation
Built-Up Area Barnsley/Dearne Valley BUA
Built-Up Area Sub-Division Barnsley BUASD
Workplace Zone E33010721
Middle Layer Super Output Area
Intermediate Zone
Barnsley 007
Lower Layer Super Output Area
Data Zone
Barnsley 007E
Output Area / Small Area 8A2