Postcode LS29 9HS (Bradford)

Map showing LS29 9HS and nearby postcodes

The postcode LS29 9HS is located in Bradford, in the county of West Yorkshire. It was introduced in January 1980 and is an active postcode. LS29 9HS is a large user postcode, usually allocated to a single address receiving at least 500 mail items per day.

LS29 9HS is one of the less deprived areas in the country. It rates as a 6.7 on the scale of the index of deprivation (where 10 are the least deprived and 0 are the most deprived areas). The 2011 UK census classified the residents of LS29 9HS as Constrained city dwellers > Ageing city dwellers > Retired communal city dwellers.

The closest road name to LS29 9HS is Station Road which is centered 79 m away.

The nearest bus stop is Brook Street Railway Rd and is 89 m away. The closest railway station is Ilkley Rail Station, 74 m away.

The closest primary school to LS29 9HS (for ages 11 and under) is Ashlands Primary School. It achieved an OFSTED rating of Outstanding on February 11, 2010. The closest secondary school (for ages 11-18) is Ilkley Grammar School. The last OFSTED inspection on March 30, 2017 rated this school as Outstanding

The local pub for residents of LS29 9HS is Olicana Bridge Club and is 56 m away. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) rated it as Very Good on July 8, 1999. The nearest takeaway food is available from Greggs and is 58 m distant. The FSA rated this establishment as Very Good on December 6, 2018.

Policing for LS29 9HS is covered by the West Yorkshire police force association and Bradford and Airedale Teaching is the NHS Primary Care Trust (PCT) or Care Trust Plus (CT).


Nearby Postcodes

A list of Postcodes adjacent to LS29 9HS and their respective distances.

Nearby Roads

A list of road names near to LS29 9HS, and the approximate distance away.

Station Road 79 m
Whitton Croft Road 86 m
Wells Promenade 96 m
Brook Street 99 m
The Riddings 114 m
Riddings Road 118 m
Wells Walk 119 m
Back Grove Road 140 m
West Street 148 m
Chantry Drive 156 m
Booths Yard 162 m
Annandale Court 167 m
Chantry Close 172 m
The Grove 182 m
Trafalgar Road 188 m


Information about the postcode LS29 9HS

Introduction January 1980
Termination n/a - Active Postcode
User Type Large User - allocated to single addresses receiving at least 500 mail items per day

Local Schools

School OFSTED ratings, last inspection dates, student age ranges and approximate distance from LS29 9HS - Data from 2020-2021

School Ofsted Rating
(Last Inspection)
Ilkley Grammar School Outstanding
(March 30, 2017)
709 m
Ashlands Primary School Outstanding
(February 11, 2010)
797 m
All Saints' CofE Primary School Outstanding
(September 24, 2009)
833 m
Moorfield School 1.03 km
The Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School 1.09 km
Ben Rhydding Primary School Good
(July 4, 2019)
1.44 km
Westville House School 1.87 km
Ghyll Royd School and Pre-School 4.21 km
Addingham Primary School Good
(February 5, 2020)
4.49 km
Burley Oaks Primary School Outstanding
(November 2, 2007)
5.31 km
Askwith Community Primary School 5.37 km
Burley and Woodhead CofE Primary School Good
(September 27, 2017)
5.39 km
East Morton CofE Primary School Good
(February 3, 2022)
5.85 km
The Boyle and Petyt Primary School Good
(December 1, 2021)
6.52 km
Menston Primary School Good
(April 24, 2018)
6.52 km
Riddlesden St Mary's CofE Primary School Good
(February 14, 2020)
6.81 km
Crossflatts Primary School Good
(October 16, 2018)
6.81 km
Lady Lane Park School & Nursery 7.11 km
Silsden Primary School Good
(June 28, 2016)
7.16 km
Hawksworth Church of England Primary School Good
(December 11, 2018)
7.51 km

Nearby Food

Food establishments with their establishment type, FSA rating score, date of last inspection and approximate distance from LS29 9HS - Data from Apr 2022

Name Type Rating
(Last Inspection)
Friends of Ham Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
October 6, 2021
49 m
Quinta Bar and Grill Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
July 5, 2019
49 m
The Ilkley Cafe Company Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
February 20, 2019
49 m
Olicana Bridge Club Pub/bar/nightclub 5
Very Good
July 8, 1999
56 m
Banyan Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 3
July 9, 2021
58 m
Greggs Takeaway/sandwich shop 5
Very Good
December 6, 2018
58 m
Clipnclimb Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
February 21, 2019
61 m
KirstyAnnKitchen @ The Ticket Office Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
June 17, 2021
61 m
La Stazione Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
June 27, 2018
61 m
Marks & Spencer - Simply Food Retailers - supermarkets/hypermarkets 5
Very Good
July 18, 2017
61 m
Pizza Express Takeaway/sandwich shop 5
Very Good
June 15, 2021
61 m
The Ticket Office - (Bar Only) Pub/bar/nightclub 5
Very Good
June 17, 2021
61 m
Kings Hall Winter Gardens Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
October 28, 2019
66 m
La Pazzeria Takeaway/sandwich shop 4
October 6, 2021
66 m
The Loafer Retailers - other 3
October 6, 2021
66 m
The Midland Hotel Pub/bar/nightclub 5
Very Good
December 10, 2019
66 m
The Station Hotel Pub/bar/nightclub 4
December 10, 2019
66 m
Saimah's Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 4
March 5, 2019
66 m
Waste Not Ilkley Retailers - other 5
Very Good
January 13, 2022
66 m
Christchurch Cafe Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
June 11, 2018
66 m

Nearby Travel Links

Bus stops, train stations, taxi ranks and airports near to LS29 9HS - Data from Apr 2022

Brook Street Railway Rd Bus Stop/Station 89 m
Bus Station stand A Bus Stop/Station 92 m
Railway Rd Brook Street Bus Stop/Station 98 m
Railway Road Nelson Rd Bus Stop/Station 107 m
Bus Station stand B Bus Stop/Station 125 m
Ilkley Rail Station Rail 74 m
Ilkley Rail Station Rail 120 m
Ilkley Rail Station Rail 169 m

Nearby Nature

Woodland, hills, greenspaces, water and other natural features near to LS29 9HS - Data from Dec 2021

Castle Hill Hill Or Mountain 465 m
The Tarn Inland Water 752 m
Limybank Deeps Inland Water 836 m
Willy Hall's Spout Waterfall 848 m
Cromwheel Inland Water 964 m
Stubham Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.09 km
Middleton Woods Woodland Or Forest 1.27 km
Coppy Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.29 km
Beanlands Island Island 1.3 km
Hudson Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.3 km
Rocky Valley Valley 1.37 km
Panorama Woods Woodland Or Forest 1.48 km
Weary Hill Hill Or Mountain 1.51 km
Pawpots Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.52 km
Hudson's Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.53 km


Country England
County West Yorkshire
Latitude 53.92430600
Longitude -1.82294300
OS Easting 411725
OS Northing 0447589
OS Positional Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

Index of Deprivation

Most Deprived
Least Deprived

Police Force Association

West Yorkshire


Westminster Parliamentary
Electoral Ward Ilkley
Local Authority District Bradford
Region / Government Office Region Yorkshire and The Humber
European Electoral Region Yorkshire and The Humber
Local Enterprise Partnership Primary: Leeds City Region
Local Learning and Skills Council West Yorkshire

ONS Statistical Regions

International Territorial Level Code E08000032
Travel To Work Area Leeds


NHS England Region North East and Yorkshire
Primary Care Trust
Bradford and Airedale Teaching
Cancer Alliance West Yorkshire and Harrogate
Strategic Health Authority
Yorkshire and the Humber
Sustainability and Transformation
West Yorkshire and Harrogate (Health and Care Partnership)
Clinical Comissioning Group
NHS Bradford District and Craven CCG

2011 Census

Output Area Classification Supergroup: Constrained city dwellers
Group: Ageing city dwellers
Subgroup: Retired communal city dwellers
Rural-Urban Classification (England/Wales) Urban city and town
Built-Up Area Ilkley BUA
Built-Up Area Sub-Division (pseudo) England (not covered)
Workplace Zone E33009274
Middle Layer Super Output Area
Intermediate Zone
Bradford 002
Lower Layer Super Output Area
Data Zone
Bradford 002D
Output Area / Small Area 7D3