Postcode G75 0RU (South Lanarkshire)

Map showing G75 0RU and nearby postcodes

The postcode G75 0RU is located in South Lanarkshire It was introduced in May 2006 and is an active postcode. G75 0RU is a small user postcode that may contain upto 100 addresses (but 15 is more typical).

G75 0RU is one of the most deprived areas in the country. It rates as a 1.3 on the scale of the index of deprivation (where 10 are the least deprived and 0 are the most deprived areas). The 2011 UK census classified the residents of G75 0RU as Urbanites > Urban professionals and families > Multi-ethnic professionals with families.

The closest road name to G75 0RU is Torrance Court which is centered 28 m away.

The nearest bus stop is Hurlawcrook Road and is 235 m away.

The local pub for residents of G75 0RU is Chapelton Inn and is 4.97 km away. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) rated it as Awaiting Inspection on January 24, 2022.

100% of residents have broadband access of ultrafast 300+ Mbps. 100% of residents have broadband access of superfast 30-300 Mbps.

Gas consumption for the area is rated at 4.8 out of 10. Electricity consumption for the area is rated at 0.8 out of 10. Where 0 are the lowest and 10 are the highest consuming areas in the country respectively.

Policing for G75 0RU is covered by the Scotland police force association and South Lanarkshire Community Health Partnership is Local Health Board (LHB) / Community Health Partnership (CHP) / Local Commissioning Group (LCG) or Primary Healthcare Directorate (PHD).


Nearby Postcodes

A list of Postcodes adjacent to G75 0RU and their respective distances.

Nearby Roads

A list of road names near to G75 0RU, and the approximate distance away.

Torrance Court 28 m
Torrance Wynd 55 m
Torrance Gait 56 m
Torrance Lane 133 m
Kelvin Park South 224 m
Torrance Avenue 226 m
Strathaven Road 1.25 km
Stroud Road 1.55 km
Greenhills Road 2.49 km
A726 5.91 km
M74 14.72 km
A71 15.51 km
A70 28.31 km
A702 38.7 km


Information about the postcode G75 0RU

Introduction May 2006
Termination n/a - Active Postcode
User Type Small User - may contain upto 100 addresses but 15 is more typical

Nearby Food

Food establishments with their establishment type, FSA rating score, date of last inspection and approximate distance from G75 0RU - Data from Apr 2022

Name Type Rating
(Last Inspection)
Broadlees Golf Driving Range Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Pass
October 25, 2019
4.78 km
Chapelton Primary School School/college/university Pass
February 8, 2017
4.94 km
Chapelton Inn Pub/bar/nightclub Awaiting Inspection
January 24, 2022
4.97 km
Chapelton Bowling Club Other catering premises Pass
February 27, 2019
5.11 km
Community Centre Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Pass
October 18, 2018
5.13 km
A & M Fleming (Snack Van) Mobile caterer Pass
November 17, 2021
7.9 km
A S Fleming Agricultural Contractors Farmers/growers Awaiting Inspection
7.9 km
Alex and MaryAnn Fleming Manufacturers/packers Awaiting Inspection
7.9 km
Collisdene Care Centre Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Pass
February 28, 2020
8.28 km
Strathaven Golf Club Pub/bar/nightclub Improvement Required
January 10, 2020
8.28 km
Countrybake Coffee Shop Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Pass
December 6, 2019
8.44 km
Strathaven Rugby Football Club Pub/bar/nightclub Pass
February 21, 2018
8.44 km
Kirklandpark After School Care Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Pass
December 18, 2018
8.53 km
Kirkland Park P. S School/college/university Pass
September 19, 2018
8.59 km
Sweetie Brae Private Nursery School/college/university Pass
November 7, 2019
8.62 km
The Bakes of Avondale Other catering premises Awaiting Inspection
February 1, 2021
8.65 km
The Heron Farm Shop Retailers - other Awaiting Inspection
May 17, 2019
8.66 km
Strathaven After School Club Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Pass
September 19, 2017
8.68 km
Wester Overton Primary School School/college/university Pass
May 15, 2018
8.68 km
Wester Overton PS Nursery Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Pass
September 17, 2018
8.68 km

Nearby Travel Links

Bus stops, train stations, taxi ranks and airports near to G75 0RU - Data from Apr 2022

Hurlawcrook Road Bus Stop/Station 235 m
Hurlawcrook Road Bus Stop/Station 293 m
Langlands Drive Bus Stop/Station 745 m
Fortieth Avenue Bus Stop/Station 964 m
Carron Place Bus Stop/Station 971 m

Nearby Nature

Woodland, hills, greenspaces, water and other natural features near to G75 0RU - Data from Dec 2021

Flatt Linn Inland Water 452 m
The Mound Lickprivick Hill Or Mountain 3.18 km
Calder Glen Valley 3.73 km
Cleughearn Plantations Woodland Or Forest 4.96 km
Torheads Lake Inland Water 5.33 km
Whitefield Knowe Hill Or Mountain 5.4 km
Ardochrig Hill Hill Or Mountain 5.53 km
Ark Hill Hill Or Mountain 6.38 km
Ellrig Hill Or Mountain 6.42 km
Whitelee Forest Woodland Or Forest 11.04 km
Southern Uplands Hill Or Mountain Ranges 52.2 km
North Sea Sea 634.31 km


Broadband availability and performance statistics for G75 0RU - Data from Ofcom 2017

Speed Band
0-2 Mbps 0%
2-5 Mbps 0%
5-10 Mbps 0%
10-30 Mbps 0%
30-300 Mbps 0%
300+ Mbps 100%

Gas Consumption

5 meters consuming 157,024 kWh - mean 31,405 kWh : median 28,870 kWh

Electricity Consumption

5 meters consuming 37,565 kWh - mean 7,513 kWh : median 5,866 kWh

Energy usage data for G75 0RU - Data from 2020


Country Scotland
Latitude 55.74145900
Longitude -4.15671300
OS Easting 264700
OS Northing 0651893
OS Positional Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

Index of Deprivation

Most Deprived
Least Deprived

Police Force Association



Westminster Parliamentary
East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow
Electoral Ward East Kilbride East
Local Authority District South Lanarkshire
European Electoral Region Scotland
Local Learning and Skills Council West of Scotland

ONS Statistical Regions

International Territorial Level Code S30000025
Travel To Work Area Glasgow


Primary Care Trust
South Lanarkshire Community Health Partnership
Strategic Health Authority
Clinical Comissioning Group
South Lanarkshire Community Health Partnership

2011 Census

Output Area Classification Supergroup: Urbanites
Group: Urban professionals and families
Subgroup: Multi-ethnic professionals with families
Rural-Urban Classification (Scotland) Other Urban Area
Built-Up Area (pseudo) Scotland
Built-Up Area Sub-Division (pseudo) Scotland
Workplace Zone S34000616
Middle Layer Super Output Area
Intermediate Zone
Nerston and EK Landward Area
Lower Layer Super Output Area
Data Zone
Nerston and EK Landward Area - 02
Output Area / Small Area 5A2