Postcode FK10 3RX (Clackmannanshire)

Map showing FK10 3RX and nearby postcodes

The postcode FK10 3RX is located in Clackmannanshire It was introduced in January 1980 and is an active postcode. FK10 3RX is a small user postcode that may contain upto 100 addresses (but 15 is more typical).

FK10 3RX is one of the most deprived areas in the country. It rates as a 0 on the scale of the index of deprivation (where 10 are the least deprived and 0 are the most deprived areas). The 2011 UK census classified the residents of FK10 3RX as Constrained city dwellers > White communities > Constrained young families.

The closest road name to FK10 3RX is Mckinlay Crescent which is centered 32 m away.

The nearest bus stop is Whins Rd and is 159 m away.

The local pub for residents of FK10 3RX is Alloa East End Bowling Club and is 257 m away. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) rated it as Pass on May 10, 2019. The nearest takeaway food is available from Spice Fusion and is 133 m distant. The FSA rated this establishment as Pass on June 29, 2021.

Residents reported an average download speed of 61.8 Mbps and an average upload speed of 15.3 Mbps in a 2017 OFCOM broadband survey. 24.1% of residents have broadband access of ultrafast 300+ Mbps. 100% of residents have broadband access of superfast 30-300 Mbps.

Gas consumption for the area is rated at 1.5 out of 10. Electricity consumption for the area is rated at 0.3 out of 10. Where 0 are the lowest and 10 are the highest consuming areas in the country respectively.

Policing for FK10 3RX is covered by the Scotland police force association and Clackmannanshire Community Health Partnership is Local Health Board (LHB) / Community Health Partnership (CHP) / Local Commissioning Group (LCG) or Primary Healthcare Directorate (PHD).


Nearby Postcodes

A list of Postcodes adjacent to FK10 3RX and their respective distances.

Nearby Roads

A list of road names near to FK10 3RX, and the approximate distance away.

Mckinlay Crescent 32 m
Argyll Street 52 m
Sutherland Avenue 94 m
Argyll Place 134 m
Hutton Park 139 m
Whins Road 153 m
Wallace Street 155 m
Gordon Drive 177 m
Greenfield Street 183 m
Kingswell Park 195 m
Hillside Terrace 224 m
Park Place 243 m
Lambert Terrace 284 m
Sunnyside Road 289 m
Old Brewery Lane 310 m


Information about the postcode FK10 3RX

Introduction January 1980
Termination n/a - Active Postcode
User Type Small User - may contain upto 100 addresses but 15 is more typical

Nearby Food

Food establishments with their establishment type, FSA rating score, date of last inspection and approximate distance from FK10 3RX - Data from Apr 2022

Name Type Rating
(Last Inspection)
Spice Fusion Takeaway/sandwich shop Pass
June 29, 2021
133 m
Usave Retailers - other Pass
July 30, 2019
133 m
Niki Foxton Mobile caterer Pass
October 20, 2020
158 m
Art Opportunities - Scottish Autism Other catering premises Pass
November 9, 2021
243 m
Ochil Fudge Ltd Manufacturers/packers Pass
November 16, 2020
243 m
Platter & Pop Ltd Other catering premises Pass
October 13, 2021
243 m
The Fuel House Cafe Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Awaiting Inspection
January 21, 2022
243 m
Whins Day Centre Hospitals/Childcare/Caring Premises Pass
September 6, 2021
243 m
Aldi Stores Limited Retailers - supermarkets/hypermarkets Pass
March 7, 2018
250 m
Alloa East End Bowling Club Pub/bar/nightclub Pass
May 10, 2019
257 m
Farm Snacks Mobile caterer Pass
December 21, 2021
257 m
Alloa Coop Bowling Club Pub/bar/nightclub Pass
March 10, 2020
320 m
Jaynes Snack Van Mobile caterer Awaiting Inspection
December 8, 2021
342 m
Asda Stores Ltd Retailers - supermarkets/hypermarkets Pass
August 6, 2021
347 m
Eurest Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Pass
August 12, 2021
347 m
Scottish Society For Autism School/college/university Pass
March 10, 2020
368 m
Orlandi Cafe Retailers - other Pass
June 8, 2021
377 m
Class Cuisine School/college/university Pass
May 15, 2018
421 m
Food, Families, Futures Other catering premises Awaiting Inspection
January 30, 2020
421 m
Kids Zone @ Sunnyside Other catering premises Pass
March 5, 2009
421 m

Nearby Travel Links

Bus stops, train stations, taxi ranks and airports near to FK10 3RX - Data from Apr 2022

Whins Rd Bus Stop/Station 159 m
Whins Rd Bus Stop/Station 169 m
Whins Rd Bus Stop/Station 239 m
Whins Rd Bus Stop/Station 273 m
Lambert Terrace Bus Stop/Station 279 m
Drysdale Street Taxi Rank at Post Office Taxi Rank 591 m
Mill Street Taxi Rank opposite Woolworths Taxi Rank 705 m
Entrance Air 32.47 km

Nearby Nature

Woodland, hills, greenspaces, water and other natural features near to FK10 3RX - Data from Dec 2021

Hawk Hill Hill Or Mountain 524 m
Pond Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.49 km
Gubber Hill Hill Or Mountain 1.74 km
Mary Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.78 km
Back Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.85 km
Maggie's Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.9 km
Mount William Hill Or Mountain 1.98 km
Cowpark Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.99 km
King's Seat Hill Hill Or Mountain 2.07 km
Fir Grove Woodland Or Forest 2.16 km
Octagon Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.18 km
Hennings Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.22 km
Twentyfive Acre Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.23 km
Birch Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.32 km
Bluepark Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.37 km


Broadband availability and performance statistics for FK10 3RX - Data from Ofcom 2017

All Speeds Median Avg Max
Download 58 Mbps 61.8 Mbps 159.96 Mbps
Upload 19.5 Mbps 15.3 Mbps 29.98 Mbps
Speed Band
Users Download
Avg Mbps
Avg Mbps
0-2 Mbps 0% - -
2-5 Mbps 0% - -
5-10 Mbps 0% - -
10-30 Mbps 0% 13.8 1
30-300 Mbps 75.9% 71.8 18.3
300+ Mbps 24.1% - -

Gas Consumption

52 meters consuming 524,024 kWh - mean 10,077 kWh : median 9,851 kWh

Electricity Consumption

53 meters consuming 140,042 kWh - mean 2,642 kWh : median 2,473 kWh

Energy usage data for FK10 3RX - Data from 2020


Country Scotland
Latitude 56.11996400
Longitude -3.78497700
OS Easting 289122
OS Northing 0693349
OS Positional Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

Index of Deprivation

Most Deprived
Least Deprived

Police Force Association



Westminster Parliamentary
Ochil and South Perthshire
Electoral Ward Clackmannanshire Central
Local Authority District Clackmannanshire
European Electoral Region Scotland
Local Learning and Skills Council East of Scotland

ONS Statistical Regions

International Territorial Level Code S30000003
Travel To Work Area Falkirk and Stirling


Primary Care Trust
Clackmannanshire Community Health Partnership
Strategic Health Authority
Forth Valley
Clinical Comissioning Group
Clackmannanshire Community Health Partnership

2011 Census

Output Area Classification Supergroup: Constrained city dwellers
Group: White communities
Subgroup: Constrained young families
Rural-Urban Classification (Scotland) Other Urban Area
Built-Up Area (pseudo) Scotland
Built-Up Area Sub-Division (pseudo) Scotland
Workplace Zone S34000766
Middle Layer Super Output Area
Intermediate Zone
Alloa South and East
Lower Layer Super Output Area
Data Zone
Alloa South and East - 01
Output Area / Small Area 7C2