Postcode EX31 1NB (North Devon) Terminated May 2021

Map showing EX31 1NB and nearby postcodes

The postcode EX31 1NB is located in North Devon, in the county of Devon. It was introduced in January 2018 and terminated in May 2021.EX31 1NB is a large user postcode, usually allocated to a single address receiving at least 500 mail items per day.

EX31 1NB is one of the less deprived areas in the country. It rates as a 5.5 on the scale of the index of deprivation (where 10 are the least deprived and 0 are the most deprived areas). The 2011 UK census classified the residents of EX31 1NB as Rural residents > Rural tenants > Ageing rural flat tenants.

The closest road name to EX31 1NB is Riverside Road which is centered 86 m away.

The nearest bus stop is Business Park and is 345 m away. The closest railway station is Barnstaple Rail Station, 1.57 km away.

The closest primary school to EX31 1NB (for ages 11 and under) is Pilton Bluecoat Church of England Academy. It achieved an OFSTED rating of Good on January 25, 2018.

The local pub for residents of EX31 1NB is Windsor Arms and is 864 m away. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) rated it as Good on January 24, 2020.

Policing for EX31 1NB is covered by the Devon & Cornwall police force association and Devon is the NHS Primary Care Trust (PCT) or Care Trust Plus (CT).


Nearby Postcodes

A list of Postcodes adjacent to EX31 1NB and their respective distances.

Nearby Roads

A list of road names near to EX31 1NB, and the approximate distance away.

Riverside Road 86 m
Pilland Way 186 m
Upcott Avenue 300 m
Braunton Road 380 m
A39 3.57 km
A399 12.43 km
A30 71.23 km
A38 122.15 km
A361 132.29 km


Information about the postcode EX31 1NB

Introduction January 2018
Termination May 2021
User Type Large User - allocated to single addresses receiving at least 500 mail items per day

Local Schools

School OFSTED ratings, last inspection dates, student age ranges and approximate distance from EX31 1NB - Data from 2020-2021

School Ofsted Rating
(Last Inspection)
Pilton Community College Requires improvement
(May 9, 2019)
798 m
Pilton Infants' School Outstanding
(March 25, 2011)
1.08 km
Pathfield School Good
(March 28, 2019)
1.08 km
Pilton Bluecoat Church of England Academy Good
(January 25, 2018)
1.08 km
Sticklepath Community Primary Academy 1.24 km
Petroc Good
(November 7, 2019)
1.46 km
Yeo Valley Primary School 1.81 km
Ashleigh CofE Primary School 1.99 km
Roundswell Community Primary Academy 2.2 km
Our Lady's Catholic Primary School, Barnstaple Good
(June 6, 2019)
2.3 km
On Track Education Services Good
(July 12, 2018)
2.32 km
The Park Community School 2.57 km
Newport Community School Primary Academy Outstanding
(February 11, 2015)
2.87 km
Eden Park Academy 2.89 km
The Lampard Community School Good
(July 19, 2017)
3.12 km
Fremington Primary School 3.77 km
Orchard Vale Community School Good
(March 30, 2017)
3.94 km
Bishops Tawton Primary School Good
(January 23, 2019)
4 km
Holywell Church of England School 4.03 km
Marwood School Outstanding
(April 29, 2008)
5.06 km

Nearby Food

Food establishments with their establishment type, FSA rating score, date of last inspection and approximate distance from EX31 1NB - Data from Apr 2022

Name Type Rating
(Last Inspection)
Pig and Olive Barnstaple Mobile caterer 5
Very Good
March 4, 2022
0 m
The Pitstop Mobile caterer 5
Very Good
November 27, 2019
191 m
Big Baps 2 Mobile caterer 5
Very Good
April 21, 2021
194 m
Absolute Training and Nutrition Retailers - other Exempt
August 9, 2017
195 m
Greggs Retailers - other 5
Very Good
October 24, 2018
222 m
Authentic Kapoor's Mobile caterer Awaiting Inspection
266 m
Hungry Tums Mobile caterer 5
Very Good
January 7, 2022
266 m
Next Steps at Parker Hannifin Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
March 13, 2020
274 m
Burger King Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
October 3, 2018
289 m
Lets Go Retailers - other 5
Very Good
January 10, 2017
289 m
Outside In Rollerdrome Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
February 4, 2022
293 m
Barnstaple Hotel Hotel/bed & breakfast/guest house 5
Very Good
November 22, 2018
309 m
Bookers Cash And Carry Retailers - supermarkets/hypermarkets 5
Very Good
February 14, 2008
383 m
Coffee Lounge Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
February 4, 2020
586 m
Pilton Community College School/college/university 5
Very Good
March 17, 2022
798 m
Windsor Arms Pub/bar/nightclub 4
January 24, 2020
864 m
Barnstaple Rugby Club Pub/bar/nightclub 5
Very Good
January 22, 2010
878 m
United Services Bowling Club Pub/bar/nightclub 5
Very Good
June 7, 2011
878 m
Barnstaple Town Football Club Pub/bar/nightclub 5
Very Good
January 12, 2013
981 m
Civic Cafe Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
February 11, 2019
988 m

Nearby Travel Links

Bus stops, train stations, taxi ranks and airports near to EX31 1NB - Data from Apr 2022

Business Park Bus Stop/Station 345 m
Business Park Bus Stop/Station 364 m
Two Rivers Industrial Estate Bus Stop/Station 662 m
Two Rivers Industrial Estate Bus Stop/Station 675 m
Community College Bus Stop/Station 785 m
Barnstaple Rail Station Rail 1.57 km
Instow Ferry Landing Ferry 8.09 km
Instow Ferry Landing Ferry 8.09 km
Instow Ferry Landing Ferry 8.1 km
Exeter International Airport Air 60.93 km

Nearby Nature

Woodland, hills, greenspaces, water and other natural features near to EX31 1NB - Data from Dec 2021

Anchor Wood Woodland Or Forest 910 m
Tutshill Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.08 km
Springfield Copse Woodland Or Forest 2.31 km
Larkbear Plantation Woodland Or Forest 2.46 km
Claypit Covert Woodland Or Forest 2.46 km
Frankmarsh Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.49 km
Penhill Ridge Wetland 2.61 km
Claypit Coverts Woodland Or Forest 2.66 km
Sowden Reservoir Inland Water 2.77 km
Old Covert Woodland Or Forest 2.83 km
Rook's Bridge Covert Woodland Or Forest 2.89 km
Roborough Plantation Woodland Or Forest 2.93 km
Horridge Covert Woodland Or Forest 2.97 km
Cholwell Woods Woodland Or Forest 2.98 km
Cock's Moor Woodland Or Forest 3.03 km


Country England
County Devon
Latitude 51.08406000
Longitude -4.07911000
OS Easting 254474
OS Northing 0133695
OS Positional Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

Index of Deprivation

Most Deprived
Least Deprived

Police Force Association

Devon & Cornwall


Westminster Parliamentary
North Devon
County Electorial Division Barnstaple North ED
Electoral Ward Barnstaple with Pilton
Local Authority District North Devon
Region / Government Office Region South West
European Electoral Region South West
Local Enterprise Partnership Primary: Heart of the South West
Local Learning and Skills Council Devon and Cornwall

ONS Statistical Regions

International Territorial Level Code E07000043
Travel To Work Area Barnstaple


NHS England Region South West
Primary Care Trust
Cancer Alliance Peninsula
Strategic Health Authority
South West
Sustainability and Transformation
Clinical Comissioning Group

2011 Census

Output Area Classification Supergroup: Rural residents
Group: Rural tenants
Subgroup: Ageing rural flat tenants
Rural-Urban Classification (England/Wales) Urban city and town
Built-Up Area Barnstaple BUA
Built-Up Area Sub-Division (pseudo) England (not covered)
Workplace Zone E33046303
Middle Layer Super Output Area
Intermediate Zone
North Devon 007
Lower Layer Super Output Area
Data Zone
North Devon 007A
Output Area / Small Area 1B3