Postcode BB12 0TP (Burnley)

Map showing BB12 0TP and nearby postcodes

The postcode BB12 0TP is located in Burnley, in the county of Lancashire. It was introduced in September 1991 and is an active postcode. BB12 0TP is a small user postcode that may contain upto 100 addresses (but 15 is more typical).

BB12 0TP is one of the most deprived areas in the country. It rates as a 2.1 on the scale of the index of deprivation (where 10 are the least deprived and 0 are the most deprived areas). The 2011 UK census classified the residents of BB12 0TP as Suburbanites > Semi-detached suburbia > White suburban communities.

The closest road name to BB12 0TP is The Moorings which is centered 34 m away.

The nearest bus stop is Berwick Drive and is 77 m away. The closest railway station is Burnley Barracks Rail Station, 449 m away.

The closest primary school to BB12 0TP (for ages 11 and under) is St Mary Magdalene's Roman Catholic Primary School, Burnley. It achieved an OFSTED rating of Good on September 18, 2019. The closest secondary school (for ages 11-18) is Lincoln House School. The last OFSTED inspection on April 19, 2018 rated this school as Good

The nearest takeaway food is available from Santa's Pizza and is 336 m distant. The FSA rated this establishment as Very Good on February 7, 2019.

Residents reported an average download speed of 43.9 Mbps and an average upload speed of 10.4 Mbps in a 2017 OFCOM broadband survey. 1.4% of residents have broadband access of ultrafast 300+ Mbps. 100% of residents have broadband access of superfast 30-300 Mbps.

Gas consumption for the area is rated at 2.1 out of 10. Where 0 are the lowest and 10 are the highest consuming areas in the country respectively.

Policing for BB12 0TP is covered by the Lancashire police force association and East Lancashire Teaching is the NHS Primary Care Trust (PCT) or Care Trust Plus (CT).


Nearby Postcodes

A list of Postcodes adjacent to BB12 0TP and their respective distances.

Nearby Roads

A list of road names near to BB12 0TP, and the approximate distance away.

The Moorings 34 m
Kielder Drive 131 m
Spa Street 143 m
Whitpark Grove 159 m
Whittle Court 160 m
Alnwick Close 161 m
Gawthorpe Road 165 m
Bamburgh Drive 178 m
Wheatley Close 191 m
Lindisfarne Close 216 m
Berwick Drive 221 m
Arundel Close 221 m
Crow Wood Avenue 224 m
Pendle Way 239 m
Allerton Drive 249 m


Information about the postcode BB12 0TP

Introduction September 1991
Termination n/a - Active Postcode
User Type Small User - may contain upto 100 addresses but 15 is more typical

Local Schools

School OFSTED ratings, last inspection dates, student age ranges and approximate distance from BB12 0TP - Data from 2020-2021

School Ofsted Rating
(Last Inspection)
Lincoln House School Good
(April 19, 2018)
452 m
St Mary Magdalene's Roman Catholic Primary School, Burnley Good
(September 18, 2019)
462 m
Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School Requires improvement
(January 29, 2020)
462 m
Whittlefield Primary School Good
(February 8, 2017)
599 m
Burnley College Good
(November 26, 2021)
690 m
Burnley Ightenhill Primary School Good
(March 21, 2018)
869 m
Burnley Stoneyholme Community Primary School Outstanding
(June 18, 2015)
946 m
Burnley Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School Good
(May 10, 2017)
1.06 km
The Aspire Hub, Burnley Good
(November 15, 2018)
1.18 km
(May 3, 2018)
1.31 km
Burnley St Peter's Church of England Primary School Good
(April 25, 2017)
1.34 km
The Rose School Good
(March 28, 2019)
1.49 km
Rawdhatul Uloom Good
(September 27, 2018)
1.54 km
St Augustine of Canterbury RC Primary School, A Voluntary Academy 1.61 km
Cherry Fold Community Primary School Good
(September 19, 2018)
1.64 km
Rosegrove Infant School Good
(October 9, 2018)
1.67 km
Blessed Trinity Roman Catholic College, A Voluntary Academy 1.8 km
St Joseph's Park Hill School 1.81 km
Rosewood Primary School Good
(June 5, 2019)
1.83 km
Barden Primary School Good
(April 25, 2019)
1.87 km

Nearby Food

Food establishments with their establishment type, FSA rating score, date of last inspection and approximate distance from BB12 0TP - Data from Apr 2022

Name Type Rating
(Last Inspection)
Holiday Inn Express Hotel/bed & breakfast/guest house 5
Very Good
February 28, 2022
161 m
Spend N Save Retailers - other 5
Very Good
October 3, 2017
246 m
Santa's Pizza Takeaway/sandwich shop 5
Very Good
February 7, 2019
336 m
B&P Newsagents & Grocers Retailers - other 4
October 3, 2017
387 m
Fairy Bridge Day Nursery Hospitals/Childcare/Caring Premises 5
Very Good
January 11, 2022
387 m
Care 4 Children Hospitals/Childcare/Caring Premises Exempt
May 12, 2021
452 m
Little Stars Breakfast/After School Club Hospitals/Childcare/Caring Premises 5
Very Good
January 4, 2018
462 m
St Mary Magdalenes School School/college/university 5
Very Good
January 11, 2022
462 m
Blackburn Distributions Ltd Manufacturers/packers 5
Very Good
April 29, 2019
525 m
Whitefield Primary School (Kitchen) School/college/university 5
Very Good
February 7, 2019
599 m
Yui's Thai Kitchen Takeaway/sandwich shop 5
Very Good
August 21, 2018
618 m
Inspire Kitchen Other catering premises Exempt
October 25, 2021
621 m
Oakmount Hospitals/Childcare/Caring Premises 5
Very Good
April 12, 2022
621 m
Simply Classic UCLAN School/college/university 5
Very Good
January 19, 2021
661 m
Ballaro's Bar Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
June 1, 2020
666 m
Barracks Service Station Retailers - other 5
Very Good
November 25, 2019
666 m
Barracks Starbucks Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen 5
Very Good
November 20, 2019
666 m
Ciao Takeaway/sandwich shop 5
Very Good
June 1, 2018
666 m
Kenank's Burger Takeaway Takeaway/sandwich shop 5
Very Good
June 1, 2018
666 m
Sbarro Takeaway/sandwich shop 4
May 24, 2021
666 m

Nearby Travel Links

Bus stops, train stations, taxi ranks and airports near to BB12 0TP - Data from Apr 2022

Berwick Drive Bus Stop/Station 77 m
Crow Wood Avenue Bus Stop/Station 140 m
Kielder Drive Bus Stop/Station 181 m
Coverdale Way Bus Stop/Station 237 m
Clifton Farm Shops Bus Stop/Station 250 m
Graffiti Club Taxi Rank Taxi Rank 994 m
Chicago Rock Taxi Rank Taxi Rank 1.07 km
Hargreaves Street Taxi Rank Taxi Rank 1.08 km
Burnley Barracks Rail Station Rail 449 m
Burnley Central Rail Station Rail 915 m
Burnley Manchester Road Rail Station Rail 1.26 km
Terminal Two Access Air 47.53 km
Terminal Two Access Air 47.57 km
Terminal One Access Air 48.05 km

Nearby Nature

Woodland, hills, greenspaces, water and other natural features near to BB12 0TP - Data from Dec 2021

Crow Wood Woodland Or Forest 664 m
Chicken Hill Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.23 km
Spring Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.3 km
Heald Wood Woodland Or Forest 1.74 km
Lodge Plantation Woodland Or Forest 2.02 km
Hagg Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.02 km
Tipping Hill Plantation Woodland Or Forest 2.07 km
Sep Clough Valley 2.08 km
Pit Plantation Woodland Or Forest 2.39 km
Longfield Plantation Woodland Or Forest 2.43 km
Spurn Clough Valley 2.45 km
Spa Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.5 km
Gawthorpe Hall Plantation Woodland Or Forest 2.5 km
Round Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.51 km
Goit Wood Woodland Or Forest 2.53 km


Broadband availability and performance statistics for BB12 0TP - Data from Ofcom 2017

All Speeds Median Avg Max
Download 46.5 Mbps 43.9 Mbps 69.17 Mbps
Upload 10 Mbps 10.4 Mbps 19.53 Mbps
Speed Band
Users Download
Avg Mbps
Avg Mbps
0-2 Mbps 0% 3.3 0.8
2-5 Mbps 0% - -
5-10 Mbps 0% - -
10-30 Mbps 0% 15.2 2.2
30-300 Mbps 98.6% 50.4 12.2
300+ Mbps 1.4% - -

Gas Consumption

70 meters consuming 936,475 kWh - mean 13,378 kWh : median 12,946 kWh

Energy usage data for BB12 0TP - Data from 2020


Country England
County Lancashire
Latitude 53.79473200
Longitude -2.25845900
OS Easting 383072
OS Northing 0433189
OS Positional Quality Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

Index of Deprivation

Most Deprived
Least Deprived

Police Force Association



Westminster Parliamentary
County Electorial Division Burnley Central West ED
Electoral Ward Whittlefield with Ightenhill
Local Authority District Burnley
Region / Government Office Region North West
European Electoral Region North West
Local Enterprise Partnership Primary: Lancashire
Local Learning and Skills Council Lancashire

ONS Statistical Regions

International Territorial Level Code E07000117
Travel To Work Area Burnley


NHS England Region North West
Primary Care Trust
East Lancashire Teaching
Cancer Alliance Lancashire and South Cumbria
Strategic Health Authority
North West
Sustainability and Transformation
Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria
Clinical Comissioning Group
NHS East Lancashire CCG

2011 Census

Output Area Classification Supergroup: Suburbanites
Group: Semi-detached suburbia
Subgroup: White suburban communities
Rural-Urban Classification (England/Wales) Urban city and town
Built-Up Area Burnley BUA
Built-Up Area Sub-Division Burnley BUASD
Workplace Zone E33008130
Middle Layer Super Output Area
Intermediate Zone
Burnley 006
Lower Layer Super Output Area
Data Zone
Burnley 006D
Output Area / Small Area 6B2